Works Management recently published a great article on hearing protection in their October issue. Ian Valleley discusses NIHL or Noise Induced Hearing Loss and how it has been described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the most common permanent and preventable occupational injury in the world.

Within the article the topic of noise assessment is discussed, at which point the person responsible has to decide on whether hearing protection is required, and also what protection is available.
The article also discusses resources “So where do you go for help to address the problem of noise at your factory? The library of resources available at is really helpful. It offers a flowchart that walks you through the process of setting up a noise management programme, so that’s probably the best place to start.
Also, the British Safety Industry Federation has launched its ‘Listen Today, Hear Tomorrow’ campaign – see for details. This contains a wealth of information on how to decide whether noise in your factory is a problem and what to do about it if it is.
Finally, the ProtectHear website ( can point you to a range of useful links and resources on the subject of hearing protection.”
Read the full article about hearing protection.
See our resources about hearing protection and health.