Why you should invest in ProtectHear®

The Best Protection on the Market. Avoid NIHL.

ProtectHear® offers excellent protection but does NOT overprotect; you can still hear the environment around you – speech and warning signals are audible!

Complete comfort.

Each pair is personally moulded to the users’ ears using a simple process. This unique design gives the optimum fit and allows the ears to breathe.

Genuine Cost Savings.

You can save over £635 PER EMPLOYEE by switching from disposables to ProtectHear®. Try our instant cost saving calculator here.

Healthy for you, and the environment.

ProtectHear® are hypo-allergenic, easy to clean, and eco-friendly. No more throw-away disposables.


ProtectHear® can be used with other PPE equipment. It is detectable for food applications. It is also compatible with SpeakHear® communications systems.

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    Some of the companies that enjoy the benefits of ProtectHear®

    custom ear plugs
    custom ear plugs

    Some facts about ProtectHear®

    The year we formed


    Companies Supplied


    Individual Users


    Dependable Protection


    hearing protection

    David Musgrove – Health and Safety Manager of Knauf Immingham

    Knauf Immingham has used ProtectHear® moulded hearing protection for over 5 years now. The service is very reliable and popular with our employees. The moulded hearing protectors have a lifespan of 5 years before a new moulding has to be taken. Providing our employees with this form of hearing protection has shown considerable savings as we no longer have to carry stock levels of other hearing protectors such as ear muff type or disposable hearing protection.

    ProtectHear® do their utmost to accommodate the shift patterns that Knauf employees work. The ProtectHear® representative has been known to attend site to take just a single moulding. When we contact ProtectHear® they respond very quickly to our demands. Turn around from a moulding being taken to delivery of the finished product to the employee is very fast and efficient. The moulded hearing protection ProtectHear® is also very competitively priced. We have never had any problems with ProtectHear® services and would recommend them highly to anyone who is thinking of providing moulded hearing protection to their employees.

    August 5, 2015

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