Silicone ear plugs feature ‘Inside the Factory’
Silicone ear plugs feature on the BBC
Did you catch any of series two of ‘Inside the Factory’ that has been featuring on BBC 2 recently? You can see the largest factories in Britain, what process our foods are subject to in these mass production plants and really see the sheer scale of production. Episode one of the series explored inside ‘Walkers’, the worlds largest potato crisp site, where an impressive 5 million packets of crisps are made every day. The second episode featured Heinz, the largest baked bean factory – can you believe they are making over 3 million cans of beans a day?
On a hearing level, we wondered how they are protecting their employees?…
….check out the silicone ear plugs being used by workers at Heinz… The ear plugs are great for working in such a noisy environment as they protect hearing at a safe level whilst still allowing speech. Episode three featured Kelloggs, the largest cereal production site in Europe that manufactures over a million boxes a day and you can see our earplugs in use again.
Our silicone ear plugs are made for perfect use within the food manufacturing industry as they are metal detectable. They can be worn with all other forms of PPE and offer maximum comfort for ease of wear. They are also easy to maintain and clean.
To watch the series so far visit BBC iPlayer.
And if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team.