24 Nov 2015

SHE Show lucky winners…

SHE Show lucky winners…

ProtectHear® are pleased to announce the winners of our competition who attended our table at The SHE Show 2015:

Alan Bullock – EDF Energy

William Morgan – Union Electric Steel

Malcolm Gibson – Proctor & Gamble

Congratulations to the lucky winners, thank you to all those who entered.

Why not try at the next SHE Show.


SHE Show




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23 Nov 2015

Personally Moulded arrives at The SHE Show North East

The final chapter for this year, The SHE Show began its third event at the Marriot in Newcastle. Read more about the final show of the year:

SHE Show North East

ProtectHear® is committed to the importance of your hearing and how claims for noise induced hearing loss can be avoided. The SHE Show is a great way for us to spread brand and health awareness.

We have continuously exhibited at the SHE Show for 7 years and it has always lived up to expectations. The organisers Washington Dowling do an outstanding job with the venue, the audience and presentations throughout the day. So much confidence is given that we will be exhibiting at all 3 shows next year and we look forward to these events.

ProtectHear® was exhibiting this year on Stand 17, with plenty of interest in personally moulded earplugs coming forward; once again it proved to be another successful show. For ProtectHear® it’s not just about business, education is also as important to get across to those working in noisy environments. Come visit us again next year, for more information on our product/services.

Check out how much you can save in comparison to disposables with the cost savings calculator.

Find out more about the next upcoming SHE Show for 2016.

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10 Nov 2015

Our hearing protection website page in Works Management Magazine

Works Management recently published a great article on hearing protection in their October issue.  Ian Valleley discusses NIHL or Noise Induced Hearing Loss and how it has been described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the most common permanent and preventable occupational injury in the world.

hearing protection article














Within the article the topic of noise assessment is discussed, at which point the person responsible has to decide on whether hearing protection is required, and also what protection is available.

The article also discusses resources “So where do you go for help to address the problem of noise at your factory? The library of resources available at www.hse.gov.uk/noise is really helpful. It offers a flowchart that walks you through the process of setting up a noise management programme, so that’s probably the best place to start.

Also, the British Safety Industry Federation has launched its ‘Listen Today, Hear Tomorrow’ campaign – see http://bit.ly/1L1SNV4 for details. This contains a wealth of information on how to decide whether noise in your factory is a problem and what to do about it if it is.

Finally, the ProtectHear website (http://bit.ly/1Q16Sp6) can point you to a range of useful links and resources on the subject of hearing protection.”

Read the full article about hearing protection.

See our resources about hearing protection and health.

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06 Nov 2015

The personally moulded earplug ‘impression’ process

Before deciding to throw away those disposable earplugs for good and switch to personally moulded hearing protection, many of our clients ask us how the whole personally moulded earplug scenario works.


So that we can cleverly make your very own bespoke pair of earplugs, that fit comfortably and protect you from noise (whilst still being able to hear those important things like warning signals or your colleague’s speech), we have to take an ‘impression’ or mould of your ear shape.

A common question is “what does this process involve and what does it feel like when you take an impression or moulding of my ear?”

So here is the lowdown…. thanks to model Steve for this demo.

  1. Sit comfortably and relax.
  2. Our qualified practitioner (who has the same level of expertise as an audiology nurse performing the same process) will then take a quick look inside your ear using a device with a tiny light, just to check that everything looks OK. step 1
  3. The practitioner then carefully inserts a small foam barrier into your ear very gently, you will hardly feel this and it has a string on it so it won’t get lost in there!step 2
  4. The fun then begins. The practitioner gently fills your ear with a non-toxic soft silicone moulding material – Barbie would love the pink! This feels a bit like inserting your usual foam earplugs so you will then be unable to hear very well once the moulding material is in there.step 3
  5. You wait around 3 minutes for the mould to set.step 4
  6. Hey presto, we gently remove the moulding material and tiny foam plug and you’re all done.
  7. We send off the impression, and your personally moulded earplug set arrives within a couple of weeks!

The process takes no more than 5 minutes to complete from start to finish, not bad for a pair of earplugs that last five years.

Book a trial here.

Add up the cost savings here using our online calculator (instant results).

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29 Sep 2015

Hearing Protection Solutions at the SHE Show North West

Getting off to a great start in Milton Keynes, the SHE Show began its second show of the year in Blackpool. Read more about what happened second time round:

ProtectHear® has exhibited at the SHE Show for many years now, because it has never failed to disappoint. Showcasing products/services in the Health and Safety at work sector, the show gave us a great chance to spread brand awareness, meet Health and Safety Professionals, workforce and supply chain.

ProtectHear® exhibited this year on stand 30, showcasing its custom moulded hearing protection. The SHE Show is really changing the way we think about Health and Safety. Companies presenting a range of new ideas to truly make a difference in the sector. The Show offers insightful talks from the industry experts throughout the day, giving you a broad scope of the sector.

Already keen to start the next show in Newcastle – #SHEshowNE – ProtectHear® will be proud to stand alongside many experts in the industry. What will be once again, a great show. Find out more about ProtectHear® with samples and further information provided on our stand.

Stamp out Noise Induced Hearing Loss claims, switch to ProtectHear®.


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