26 Jan 2016

Custom moulded earplugs feature in The Rail Professional Yearbook

We are pleased to feature in The Rail Professional Yearbook this year and hope we will make interesting reading for the many industry professionals, who make the railway what it is today.

A snippet is below – you can scroll down for a link to the full article which is printable or viewable on line.

Custom moulded earplugs

We have supplied the rail industry for 8 years now, being the only approved supplier of custom moulded earplugs for Network Rail. The article mentions our ‘Try before you buy’ process; this is a great way for companies to test the product for an 8 week period, with no commitment to buy, and enjoy the experience of our top class support and service that we are known for in the industry.

Our product allows noise to come through at a safe attenuated level, allowing the user to hear conversation and warnings. This is great for track safety, providing a better protection in all areas in comparison to ear defenders and disposables.

We also delve in to NIHL (Noise-induced hearing loss). NIHL is a topic forever discussed, and we make it clear that it is important to get the point across to management teams as well as workers. The importance of hearing cannot be underestimated and our mission is to reinforce that with a quality solution that works on many levels.

Our article is featured in pages 114-115, and you can read the full article about custom moulded earplugs .


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05 Jan 2016

HSE Hearing Conference – Listen UP

The HSE Listen UP is a conference that is being held in Radisson Blu Hotel Manchester Airport on the 2nd March 2016. It will discuss the importance of hearing and why it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Once your hearing is damaged it is irreversible and hearing loss is a continuous growing problem within the workplace.

This is the first conference that the HSE have done to spread the word about hearing damage and educate audiences. A number of people in different areas of health and safety will be attending the conference such as educators, employers, health and safety professionals etc. There will be various talks being made by industry experts and new ways to counter problems.

The HSE are continuing to put in the effort to reduce claims of Noise Induced Hearing Loss and encouraging employers to take a step in the right direction to counter this ever lasting issue.

It is great to see so many people on board to try and make a change for the better; promoting hearing protection and conservation in workplaces and educate the whole sector.


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