15 Dec 2017

We can help Deafness in the workplace

Deafness is caused by exposure to loud noises over a period of time or momentarily, the workplace is not allowed to reach over 140dB in any circumstance. The lowest action level is 80dB when hearing protection is made optional, 85dB is made mandatory.

In the workplace if you’re hard of hearing or nearly deaf, it is important to still be able to hear warnings. Disposables and ear defenders don’t provide this type of technology as they cut out the noise rather than allowing it in. If you wear your hearing aids this is just amplifying the sound and potentially is damaging what hearing you have left. We provide a product called CENS Proflex Industrial a personally moulded ear plug with an active filter, which allows you to hear amplified levels of noise. The ear plugs have a 31SNR protection level and 220 hours of battery life. They feature 3 levels of volume control Level 1 5dB, Level 2 11dB and Level 3 18dB.

The technology instantly shuts down when any loud noises that occur, after doing so the volume returns to the previous setting. It is a type of industrial hearing aid, allowing communication and stopping anymore damage to your hearing.

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30 Nov 2017

ProtectHear® Toolbox Talks

ProtectHear® Toolbox Talks

We understand that with anything new it always takes time to get used to, that’s why we take our commitment one step further. Whenever a trial is due to commence we always offer a toolbox talk to companies, to demonstrate how our ear plugs are fitted, maintained and what qualities they offer. We believe it is very important for people to have a clear understanding of the product at the very start of the trial.

Involved in this is education as well, to explain to people that hearing damage is irreversible with Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Tinnitus being the main problems. Noise Induced Hearing Loss is the end result of loud noise exposure. If you feel that you have to turn music up louder and ask people to repeat themselves, this could be the lead cause. Whereas Tinnitus causes ringing in your ears, this again is a result of loud noise, affecting around 10% of the UKs population.

ProtectHear® ear plugs are kept in a pouch with a belt clip, for users to keep on them at all times, eliminating the standard throw away disposables for a more personal experience. With our trial we give a trial welcome pack, this is to have knowledge on how to fit, clean and for education purposes.

Find out more about our ‘Try Before you Buy’.

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27 Oct 2017

The Health and Safety North Review

The Health and Safety North Review

The Health and Safety North brings with it over 200 exhibition stands, seminars and 2000 visitors. The event was established in 2007 and this year coincided with The Fire Safety North. Western Business Exhibitions re located the venue after many years at Bolton to EventCity in Manchester this year, to offer ease of access to those visiting.

The HSE report real world use of and performance of hearing protection shows that just 60% of workers are correctly fitting their disposables. Under protecting is a concern but over protecting is as well, as you need employees to be aware of noise from forklifts, alarm signals and interaction with colleagues.

ProtectHear® was established in April 2000 by Directors Richard Potter and Mick Whitaker, over the years becoming one of the UK’s leading custom ear plugs provider. Network Rail, Weetabix and British Steel are a few of our customers. We pride ourselves on our great service and education.

ProtectHear® offers a vented product that attenuates noises to a safe level, so users have no need to remove their hearing protection. This feature is useful in all noisy industries such as rail, highways and manufacturing. With a lifespan of 5 years ProtectHear® has a return on investment compared to disposables normally within 18 months, you can calculate your savings with our cost savings calculator. To show our confidence we offer a ‘Try Before you Buy’ to companies looking for solutions. A supported toolbox talk is also provided to educate employees on the trial and the benefits.

ProtectHear® will be visiting The Health and Safety Event again next year which will be taking place on the 10th – 12th April 2018, at The NEC in Birmingham. Check out more details of the event on the website.

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15 May 2017

Deaf Awareness Week

From the 15th-21st May it is Deaf Awareness week. In the workplace if the noise level reaches 85dB then hearing protection must be made mandatory. There are 3 solutions to protect your hearing which are custom ear plugs, disposables and ear defenders. At the point where you reach 140dB is where pain is experienced from the amount of noise, for example being close to a Jet taking off.

There are quite a few signs to see whether you have hearing loss such as turning the TV up louder than other users and asking people to repeat what they’re saying. If these are the symptoms you are encountering then a hearing test is recommended.

There are two main types of hearing loss Conductive hearing loss, usually caused by wax build not allowing sounds to pass through to the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss is caused by harm to the cochlea hair cells and/or the hearing nerve. This can be caused by either over exposure, ageing and other factors.

ProtectHear® is a great product which allows you to hear conversations, whilst still blocking out the harmful noises that can damage your hearing. Check out our FAQ’s guide.

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21 Apr 2017

Hearing Protection Education

Hearing Protection Education

Hearing protection is important in the workplace, a working environment with 80dB has to provide training and information, educating on the hearing protection available. 85dB is the level where action must be taken, to protect employees hearing from any permanent damage.

ProtectHear® offers toolbox talks to our customers, showing how to insert and properly fit our ear plugs, pointing out the highlights of why hearing protection should be looked after. Being able to hear your colleagues/background noise is important, especially in working areas where there communication is needed.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss is irreversible so it is important to notice the signs before it gradually gets worse.

3 types of hearing protection used are disposables, over ear defenders and custom ear plugs. One of these options must be offered by your employer if the dB level is 80 or over.

Included with our Try Before you Buy’ are toolbox talks to all our customers, this is to ensure that a trial runs smoothly educating employees on why hearing protection is important and why the trial is being undertaken.

If you need any more information you can contact us.

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18 Apr 2017

The HSE NEC 2017 Event

The HSE NEC 2017 Event

This was the third year ProtectHear® have attended The Health and Safety Event, with its incredible foot fall of people, interesting seminars and services offered. With 6000 visitors, and 200 Exhibition Stands the Event was a busy one, held at The NEC once again. The event had been organised by Western Business Exhibitions.

Before the event we published information about ourselves on the Exhibition News page prior to the event, showing how many people do not use hearing protection appropriately and pointing out the highlights of our custom ear plugs. ProtectHear® had another busy year with people interested to know what the best quality of hearing protection, with the best comforted that is offered to employees.

ProtectHear® is unique with custom ear plugs offering the best service, education and quality product. Putting this to the test with our ‘Try Before you Buy’ offering toolbox talks during the procedure and supporting you every step. Our aim is to stop claims for Noise Induced Hearing Loss within your company, with a product that gives your employees comfortable protection throughout the working day.

Once again the Obelisk caught visitors’ eyes as they couldn’t believe how many disposable ear plugs one person uses on average over 5 years. With us being able to show them figures for ourselves, with our cost savings calculator. Our rolling PowerPoint was in the background with our graphics for the stand, to give people background on what ProtectHear® provides.

The next Health and Safety Event is going to be with The Health and Safety North in October time, keep updated on our page to see if we will be attending.

If you would like to see the events of the day at the NEC use the #HSENEC or follow @HandS_Events on Twitter.

Find out more about our ‘Try Before you Buy’.

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