04 Mar 2016

ProtectHear® Attend The Health and Safety Event 2016

Complimentary Tickets for those in Health and Safety

ProtectHear® will be showcasing its products for a second year at the Health and Safety Event in Birmingham, at the NEC on 22nd-24th March 2016. The show last year proved to be a great success, with many exhibitors and visitors alike. Grab yourself a free ticket here.

Attracting a variety of job roles from Engineers to Managing Directors, the event boasts presentations and talks being given continuously through the day, from a range of industries from construction to public sector.  The event is organised by Western Business Exhibitions Limited, who do a great job to make it outstanding every year.

ProtectHear® will be exhibiting on Stand K32 and the event we hope you can come and see us on the 22nd-24th March. We provide a quality product, custom moulded earplugs, in addition to SpeakHear® communication systems, plus a support services with leading edge toolbox talks, so that you can educate your employees on the importance of hearing preservation.

Get involved with the event on Twitter by following @HandS_Events and use #HSENEC.

And don’t forget your ticket!

Check out our cost savings calculator and our FAQ’s.


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29 Jan 2016

Custom Moulded Earplugs – Stamp out Claims of NIHL

What is NIHL and how can custom moulded earplugs help?

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is also known as industrial deafness. This can be caused by being exposed to an excessive amount of noise, resulting in cases of NIHL. Hearing damage from NIHL is irreversible, so it is important that everyone is educated about their hearing and are aware of the impact it can have. Many production/engineering firms commonly have noise issues.

When is it time to take action?

If employees are exposed to 80 db in the workplace this is a lower exposure level and is optional to have hearing protection put in place. At 85 dB and over mandatory hearing protection must be implemented, to protect employees hearing health and also employers from present and future claims of NIHL. Adequate hearing protection must be put in place or the noise must be lowered at source of machines or process.

How can ProtectHear® Help?

There are a few types of hearing protection that could be considered such as disposables, ear defenders and custom moulded earplugs. At ProtectHear® we don’t just offer a product, we offer our service and most importantly proper education. We are committed to making sure all our customers are happy with both the product and their knowledge on hearing preservation. The design of our custom moulded earplugs allows noise to pass at an attenuated level, blocking out all the harmful noise, yet still allowing conversation and warnings to be heard.

Custom Moulded earplugs

Our health links provide additional information.

See our Try Before you Buy.

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05 Jan 2016

HSE Hearing Conference – Listen UP

The HSE Listen UP is a conference that is being held in Radisson Blu Hotel Manchester Airport on the 2nd March 2016. It will discuss the importance of hearing and why it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Once your hearing is damaged it is irreversible and hearing loss is a continuous growing problem within the workplace.

This is the first conference that the HSE have done to spread the word about hearing damage and educate audiences. A number of people in different areas of health and safety will be attending the conference such as educators, employers, health and safety professionals etc. There will be various talks being made by industry experts and new ways to counter problems.

The HSE are continuing to put in the effort to reduce claims of Noise Induced Hearing Loss and encouraging employers to take a step in the right direction to counter this ever lasting issue.

It is great to see so many people on board to try and make a change for the better; promoting hearing protection and conservation in workplaces and educate the whole sector.


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27 Nov 2015
24 Nov 2015

SHE Show lucky winners…

SHE Show lucky winners…

ProtectHear® are pleased to announce the winners of our competition who attended our table at The SHE Show 2015:

Alan Bullock – EDF Energy

William Morgan – Union Electric Steel

Malcolm Gibson – Proctor & Gamble

Congratulations to the lucky winners, thank you to all those who entered.

Why not try at the next SHE Show.


SHE Show




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23 Nov 2015

Personally Moulded arrives at The SHE Show North East

The final chapter for this year, The SHE Show began its third event at the Marriot in Newcastle. Read more about the final show of the year:

SHE Show North East

ProtectHear® is committed to the importance of your hearing and how claims for noise induced hearing loss can be avoided. The SHE Show is a great way for us to spread brand and health awareness.

We have continuously exhibited at the SHE Show for 7 years and it has always lived up to expectations. The organisers Washington Dowling do an outstanding job with the venue, the audience and presentations throughout the day. So much confidence is given that we will be exhibiting at all 3 shows next year and we look forward to these events.

ProtectHear® was exhibiting this year on Stand 17, with plenty of interest in personally moulded earplugs coming forward; once again it proved to be another successful show. For ProtectHear® it’s not just about business, education is also as important to get across to those working in noisy environments. Come visit us again next year, for more information on our product/services.

Check out how much you can save in comparison to disposables with the cost savings calculator.

Find out more about the next upcoming SHE Show for 2016.

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